Why We Fight

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. Ronald Reagan

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The wisdom of Wayne

My dad...what can you say about him? Well, you could say lots, but since I want to be decent I will refrain from saying some things. Last night my dad did something interesting. He looked at my step-mom, Paula, and told her, "now you can't be saying crap around my granddaughter; that wouldn't be proper." I laughed. This coming from a man who says some strange and outrageous things. So, I thought I might share some of them with you. I hope they have as big an impact on you as they have had on me:

* "There aint no grizzly bears in Cailifornia anymore. They're all Mexicans now."
* "I don't know why they call him 'father'. He (the pope) aint my father! God is my father!"
* "And a hooker to go!" Said at the McDonald's drive thru when the girl asked if we wanted anything else.
* "I don't want 'em spread up there. There's to many people on Clingman's dome. They might start choking on them." Telling us why he doesn't want his ashes spread there.
* "Surely you jest?" Said to a waitress when asked if he wanted dessert.

Those are just a few of the outlandish things he has said. I wish I had written all of them down throughout the years, but I still have time. This is also the man who holds the record for the most W-2's taken to the tax man at one time: 17. How does someone have 17 jobs in one fiscal year? The answer: only my father, Wayne Moore. That's all the explanation you need.

But in all seriousness, My dad's a cool fella'. He is always good for a laugh, and he has overcome a lot, which is a testament to what he's made of. But what I can't wait to see is how he relates to baby Claire. It brings joy to my heart just to see how his mood immediately changes when he talks about her. Pop Pop: that's what she's gonna call him...I can't wait to hear it.

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