Why We Fight

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. Ronald Reagan

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Munich 2008

"My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time."

Four of the most arrogant and presumptious words ever spoken. I mean, they are right up there with "we the jury find the defendant, Orenthal James Simpson, not guilty." Chalk it up to ignorance? No, that would be an insult to the intelligence of stupid people around the globe. To me, those words can be chalked up to being blind even though the people who spoke them could see. Reality, to those people, was irrelevant. Idealsim and fantasy ruled the day, not facts and history.

Now, don't get me wrong; I believe that we all should be idealistic, especially when freedom and peace are at stake, but idealism based on pacifism is national suicide. Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister in 1938, signed the Munich Agreement with Hitler which split Czechoslovakia up into a few pieces. What right they had to do this, I do not know. There were no people there to represent the Czechs, but still the Germans, British, French, and Italians decided to appease Hitler and "give" him the one last piece of land that he wanted. Hitler took the deal, and Chamberlain got him to sign a peace treaty before he went on his merry way back to London. The Czechs were left scratching their heads as to why they had been abandoned as European pacifists smiled while sipping fancy champagne.

Chamberlian and his cronies acted like Woodrow Wilson in assuming that they had the power and right to split apart countries. Simply put, they were the ancestors of today's liberals. Almost 70 years later we have a midget madman in Iran saying the same things that the midget from Germany said, and no one seems to be paying any attention. Obama, the messiah for so many liberals, says that he would rather “engage in aggressive personal diplomacy” than stop a pyscho in his tracks. If he were elected (pray he isn't) he better be prepared to apologize to the families of millions of Jews who will be wiped out by Iran, which is exactly what Iran's leader has said he will do. Action requires one to be decisive, and Obama is decisive only when it suits his political interests (i.e, Jeremiah Wright). The best way to sustain peace is to prepare for war whether anyone wants to admit it or not.

I have no doubt Obama would have been cheering on the tarmac as Chamberlain waved his little paper saying "peace for our time." Well, that agreement on paper went up in smoke, just like the millions of Jews who died due to Chamberlain's penchant for pacifism. The blood of millions was on his hands, and in my opinion it still is. It took the British bringing in Churchill, after they had disgraced him, for them to regain a fighting spirit. We need the same in this country. We need someone who can bust a head just as good, if not better than they can negotiate peace, and be willing to do it.

This is not about racism. It is about reality, and the reality of the situation is that this world, especially our country is headed for a major catastrophe if Barack Hussein Obama is elected. His rhetoric is just that: empty words with no substance behind it. We do not need him running things. Keep him out of it or we are in for it!

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