Why We Fight

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. Ronald Reagan

Thursday, May 15, 2008

What is that smell?!

You get a whiff of that? It smells like...like...geez! What is that? Ah! I have figured it out. It's the Republican Party! The party that is asking its members to hold our nose and pull the lever for John McCain in November, but can true conservatives do that in good conscience? I am beginning to wonder if we can. To better help answer that question let's look at some of the stuff ole Johnny has done for us lately:

1.) The Almanac of American Politics says this about McCain's conservative vs. liberal voting record. Here is how they rated him in 2006- A. Economic = 64 percent conservative, 35 percent liberal. B. Social = 46 percent conservative, 53 percent liberal. C. Foreign = 58 percent conservative, 40 percent liberal. The American Conservative Union awarded McCain a lifetime rating of only 82 percent through 2007. 82 percent! And he calls himself a Reagan Conservative! What's odd, though, is that through the 107th Congress (2001-2003) he was placed as the 6th most liberal Republican senator! But in the 109th Congress (2005-2007) he was placed as the 2nd most conservative Republican Senator. Why the disparity? You think maybe it had something to do with the fact that the Presidential election was around the corner? Talk about lack of conviction!

2.) The McCain-Feingold Act is probably the most famous and high profile attack on American liberties he has ever done, if not the biggest one in the past 100 years! It was depicted in the media as an attack on "soft money" (money coming from corporations, unions, the wealthy etc), but in reality it has done the opposite. It told the American voter that you can't spend your money the way you want to. You can only give as much as we (the government) say you can. In fact, it has allowed pathetic human beings such as George Soros the chance to pump loads of money into "organizations" promoting liberalism without having to be prosecuted under McCain-Feingold! Again: a Reagan Conservative? I think not.

3.) He tried to pass immigration reform right under our noses that essentially said "screw what you want America! We will handle this!" He flat out ignored the American people, and he even had the nerve to scold us for it. To top it all off, he did this with Ted Kennedy. Why would anyone want to work with Tedt Kennedy? What has Ted Kennedy ever done with Republicans that didn't end up only benefiting the Democrats? The answer to that one is obvious.

McCain is only a "maverick" in the sense that the media loves the way he bucks the Republicans. He opposed tax cuts, then around election season he supported them. He wants illegals around, but then he says he has "heard" the American people, and has since decided he was wrong. Hey, Johnny, have you not been listening for the last several years? I do not want a maverick. I want a man of conviction who will attack the Democrats with all the might of the Republican Party. He and Obama are the same type of uniters: nonexistent ones. McCain has asked us all to accept the change in the Party, but WE don't want that change! He nor the leaders of the Party are listening to us due to their extreme arrogance, and they refuse to fight for us because they have a banana for a backbone. This will be disasterous for them if they don't wake up. We are headed for another Carter-esque administartion if the Party does not return to its roots that helped put a President in office, twice, with landslides. Reagan won because he "got" it. McCain does not.

Any man that tries to tell a state party to stop running an add that states the TRUTH about a political opponent is not worthy of loyalty (he did this to North Carolina). What makes him think he has that right? Why is HE not going after Obama? Why will HE not rush the Democrats and expose them for all that they are? Because He is practically one of them! With the exception of abortion and national defense, there isn't a dime's worth of difference between him and Clinton and Obama.

Johnny, some of my fellow conservatives may hold their breath and pull the lever for you, but do not mistake that for loyalty. That is simply their way of telling you and the Republican Party that they are giving you one in hopes you will do the same for them. For some reason I doubt you will.

As for me, I don't know yet. I have watched what he has done, and I have listened to what he has to say, and I am in no way ready to vote for him. In fact, the Party that I have been investigating is the Constitution Party, and thus far I am impressed. I voted for Bush with a grimace on my face, but this time I don't know if I can do it again. No more holding my nose; I like the smell of integrity and conviction better than I do the smell of a maverick.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The wisdom of Wayne

My dad...what can you say about him? Well, you could say lots, but since I want to be decent I will refrain from saying some things. Last night my dad did something interesting. He looked at my step-mom, Paula, and told her, "now you can't be saying crap around my granddaughter; that wouldn't be proper." I laughed. This coming from a man who says some strange and outrageous things. So, I thought I might share some of them with you. I hope they have as big an impact on you as they have had on me:

* "There aint no grizzly bears in Cailifornia anymore. They're all Mexicans now."
* "I don't know why they call him 'father'. He (the pope) aint my father! God is my father!"
* "And a hooker to go!" Said at the McDonald's drive thru when the girl asked if we wanted anything else.
* "I don't want 'em spread up there. There's to many people on Clingman's dome. They might start choking on them." Telling us why he doesn't want his ashes spread there.
* "Surely you jest?" Said to a waitress when asked if he wanted dessert.

Those are just a few of the outlandish things he has said. I wish I had written all of them down throughout the years, but I still have time. This is also the man who holds the record for the most W-2's taken to the tax man at one time: 17. How does someone have 17 jobs in one fiscal year? The answer: only my father, Wayne Moore. That's all the explanation you need.

But in all seriousness, My dad's a cool fella'. He is always good for a laugh, and he has overcome a lot, which is a testament to what he's made of. But what I can't wait to see is how he relates to baby Claire. It brings joy to my heart just to see how his mood immediately changes when he talks about her. Pop Pop: that's what she's gonna call him...I can't wait to hear it.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dad-in-training #1

What does authenticity look like? Better yet, what does an authentic dad look like? That is a question that comes at me when I least expect it. Am I scared? Wonderfully so. I cannot wait for that moment when I hold little Claire for the first time, and then bring her home to see her room, and to meet Eli. But what do I do after that? What if I feed her wrong? What if I can't change her diaper properly (I am terrified of doing it!)? What if she cries and I can't tell what she wants? What if I can't afford to pay for her to go to college? What if I can't help her get a car? What if I get mad one day and say something rude and she decides to have nothing to do with me? What if I can't protect her? (Ya think I would be wrong to ask if I am going to be a basket-case?)

The truth is that I probably will mess up some of those things; scratch that-I will mess up some of those things. But what I want to be, more than anything, is an authentic dad. I want to be strong and gentle, humble yet proud. I want her to know she is safe with daddy no matter how old she is. I want her to see something in me that she wants for herself. But how in holy heck do I do all of this? Well, I think I finally got an answer. I am currently reading the book How to Hit a curve Ball, Grill the Perfect Steak, and Become a Real Man. I feel like I have forgotten so much of what I have already read, but today one short excerpt hit me like lightning striking my brain (movie? movie? any guesses?). The authors said that to have authentic relationships we need to recognize the many facets that help us to do that. The second one (there were 3) was that we need to recognize "more and more the profound work of Christ's resurrection in our lives, and our response to it." Wow. I have always been aware of what the resurrection means to me, but how I respond to it has never really hit me like that, but how do you "respond" to the resurrection?

Well, I went to my Bible, and as fate would have it I opened my Bible and saw my answer right before me. It comes from John 11:17-44. Lazarus is dead, and Jesus is on His way to see Mary and Martha so He can show them "the glory of God." Now, they are not aware of that, but what they didn't know didn't hurt them. The two sisters had very different responses. Martha ran to meet Jesus and basically got in His face asking where the heck He had been. But Mary stayed home. She came only after Jesus called for her. Martha seemed angry, and Mary seemed heart-broken; Martha was vocal, Mary was contemplative. Anger and tears can be a terrible combination but to Jesus that was perfectly fine.

He came to tell them that HE was the resurrection and the life. HE and He alone could show them the glory of God. Martha still questioned it, and Mary stood by silently, but through all of that Jesus still called Lazarus out. And Lazarus came...bringing all 4 days worth of silent-but-deadly stench along with him. See, I realize now that Jesus just doesn't give me life when I believe just as He promised Martha (vs. 25-26), but He calls my stink out with Him. Like Martha, I can believe that and still doubt, but that doesn't stop the work of the resurrection and the life within me. Christ takes my stink and calls me out of it whether I am aware of it or not, and if I forget that I will get lost in the journey of fatherhood.

What's so great about this? That I stink and Jesus loves me anyway...just like Claire will, and I will certainly give the same to her. Since I have the resurrection and the life in me I can always have hope that things that seem to die can be brought back to life. That's good news.

I Survived Roe vs. Wade

Did you know that from the day Reagan was inaugurated up until September 11, 2001 more than 29,796,700 abortions occured? Better yet, do you realize that between those years almost 30,000,000 souls were denied the chance to have at least one day on this earth? Also, were you aware that between 1980 and 2000 nearly 3 of every 11 pregnancies were terminated? This is what liberals and nazi feminists refer to as 'a woman's right to choose". All of this amounts to the fact that about a fourth of an entire generation, my generation, of human beings had their lives extinguished because they were considered an inconvenience.

Want to think of this in a different way? Well how about this: the liberal establishment, along with some sad conservatives, have the blood of more innocent human beings on their hands than Hitler and Stalin COMBINED! That's right, the most advanced civilization in history makes Hitler and Stalin look like choir boys. That is a holocaust, that is genocide. And liberals call themselves compassionate and diverse? The debate over abortion (if you can even call it a debate), regardless of what many folks say, is not about defining life. It comes down to one question: is there any value in a human life at all?

Alas, all is not lost! The generation responsible for this mass murder is dying off. Call me sick but sometimes those that lead others down the road of destruction must die off so those of us who follow them can repave it with honor, dignity, civility, faith, hope, and love. More and more of those of us born in the late 70's, 80's, and 90's are becoming more and more conservative. While liberals want to hide this fact, the light of the truth is begining to shine through (I will provide the source of all my info at the end of this post. For those of you doubters every bit of this info is painstakingly backed up by legitimate sources. Which means that Dan Rather and the New York Times were not cited). Poll after poll backs up these truths.

Lastly, let me help you come up with a way to help in speeding up the process of a rebirth of true conservatism: get married and have lots of babies. The more children we have the quicker we will outnumber the liberal pro choicers. Our generation is a patriotic generation that knows the importance of thinking for itself, but we also understand that if we do not reclaim our country based on Christ and His principles then we are destined for failure. But I have hope. Polls and facts comfort me, but more importanly Scripture comforts me. Let us determine to appeal to men's hearts, let us preach truth, optimism, hope, and in the process watch miracles be performed. Forget the words "can't", "hopeless", "fear", "surrender". Move and take up residence in that "shining city on a hill" and watch great things happen! Thanks for your time. Later on.

My Source: Reagan's Children: Taking Back The City On The Hill. Hans Zeiger, 2006

Munich 2008

"My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time."

Four of the most arrogant and presumptious words ever spoken. I mean, they are right up there with "we the jury find the defendant, Orenthal James Simpson, not guilty." Chalk it up to ignorance? No, that would be an insult to the intelligence of stupid people around the globe. To me, those words can be chalked up to being blind even though the people who spoke them could see. Reality, to those people, was irrelevant. Idealsim and fantasy ruled the day, not facts and history.

Now, don't get me wrong; I believe that we all should be idealistic, especially when freedom and peace are at stake, but idealism based on pacifism is national suicide. Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister in 1938, signed the Munich Agreement with Hitler which split Czechoslovakia up into a few pieces. What right they had to do this, I do not know. There were no people there to represent the Czechs, but still the Germans, British, French, and Italians decided to appease Hitler and "give" him the one last piece of land that he wanted. Hitler took the deal, and Chamberlain got him to sign a peace treaty before he went on his merry way back to London. The Czechs were left scratching their heads as to why they had been abandoned as European pacifists smiled while sipping fancy champagne.

Chamberlian and his cronies acted like Woodrow Wilson in assuming that they had the power and right to split apart countries. Simply put, they were the ancestors of today's liberals. Almost 70 years later we have a midget madman in Iran saying the same things that the midget from Germany said, and no one seems to be paying any attention. Obama, the messiah for so many liberals, says that he would rather “engage in aggressive personal diplomacy” than stop a pyscho in his tracks. If he were elected (pray he isn't) he better be prepared to apologize to the families of millions of Jews who will be wiped out by Iran, which is exactly what Iran's leader has said he will do. Action requires one to be decisive, and Obama is decisive only when it suits his political interests (i.e, Jeremiah Wright). The best way to sustain peace is to prepare for war whether anyone wants to admit it or not.

I have no doubt Obama would have been cheering on the tarmac as Chamberlain waved his little paper saying "peace for our time." Well, that agreement on paper went up in smoke, just like the millions of Jews who died due to Chamberlain's penchant for pacifism. The blood of millions was on his hands, and in my opinion it still is. It took the British bringing in Churchill, after they had disgraced him, for them to regain a fighting spirit. We need the same in this country. We need someone who can bust a head just as good, if not better than they can negotiate peace, and be willing to do it.

This is not about racism. It is about reality, and the reality of the situation is that this world, especially our country is headed for a major catastrophe if Barack Hussein Obama is elected. His rhetoric is just that: empty words with no substance behind it. We do not need him running things. Keep him out of it or we are in for it!